She dreamed of one day opening her very own little shop where she could buy paper,

play with paper and share her love of paper with friends.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Update for Aunty Susie - Pool fun!

Some very quick snaps of your CRAZY nephews and niece! Totally unstaged as you can see but thought you might like a smile tonight!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you guys! What awesome photos! You all look like you are having so much fun! I can't believe how much you are looking like your Mummy, Harry! And Jordy....where are all your curls? Sob sob. Maddy and Josh...cheeky grins as usual hee hee.

Love you all so much...hope you have a great week at school (and with Mummy, Jordy).

Aunty Susie xxxxxooooooooo